This program is designed to provide services to individuals with a diagnosis of HIV, AIDS, and related illnesses whose needs would otherwise qualify for placement in a long-term care facility. Our goal is for clients to retain their independence by providing services that allow them to live safely in their own homes for as long as it is appropriate.

Age Requirement:

People age 21 and above

Financial Eligibility:

  • Individuals receiving SSI
  • Disabled individuals with income up to 300% of the SSI income level

Services May Include:

  • Case Management – a social worker to work with you, help you decide what services are needed, and handle problems as they occur. He/She will inform you about all of the resources available to keep you independent and safe at home.
  • Homemaker Services – someone to help with cleaning your home, doing the laundry, cooking meals, and helping you manage your household.
  • Personal Care – someone to help you bathe, shampoo, shave, get dressed, and go to the toilet.
  • Respite Care – someone to stay with you while your family members are away on errands.
  • Skilled Nursing – a service provided to an individual in need of skilled medical observation and nursing services performed by a RN or LPN. It provides skilled medical monitoring, direct care, and intervention for clients to maintain him/her through home support. 
  • Companion Services – someone to provide support and supervision while family is unavailable.

Contact Information:

For more information or to sign up, call 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463) or email info@EastAlabamaAging.org. If you would like to view or print the Medicaid Waiver intake form, click here.