The ACT Waiver will provide services to individuals with disabilities or long-term illnesses who currently reside in an institution and who desire to transition to the home or community setting. A second target population would be individuals currently being served on one of Alabama’s other HCBS waivers whose condition is such that their current waiver is not meeting their needs and admission to an institution would be imminent if the ACT Waiver was not an option to meet their needs in the community. The ACT Waiver also offers a consumer-directed option, which will give individuals the opportunity to have greater involvement, control, and choice in indentifying, accessing, and managing long-term services and community supports.


  • No Age Requirement
  • Individuals determined to be eligible for transition into the community based upon an assessment
  • Individuals that have been in an institution for 90 days or more
  • Individuals that are expected to move into the community within 180 days 

Financial Eligibility:

  • Disabled individuals with income up to 300% of the SSI income level
  • Individuals receiving SSI 

ACT Waiver Services May Include the Following:

  • Adult Day Health Care – a center that provides activities, meals, and friendships for those who would like to spend their days out of the house. A person may choose to go every weekday or just a few days a week.
  • Assistive Technology: This service is $20,000. Clients may request an additional amount above $20,000 which must be approved by the Medicaid Agency and must be medically necessary.
  • Homemaker Services – someone to help with cleaning your home, doing the laundry, cooking meals, and helping you manage your household.
  • Personal Care – someone to help you bathe, shampoo, shave, get dressed, and go to the toilet.
  • Skilled Nursing – a service provided to an individual in need of skilled medical observation and nursing services performed by a RN or LPN. It provides skilled medical monitoring, direct care, and intervention for clients to maintain him/her through home support. 
  • Community Case Management
  • Transitional Assistance Services
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Skilled/Unskilled Respite
  • Adult Companion Services
  • Home Modifications
  • Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) –Installation/Monthly Fee
  • Medical Equipment Supplies and Appliances
  • Personal Assistant Service (PAS)

How will the Consumer-Directed option work?

The consumer-directed option allows self-direction of Personal Care, Personal Assistance, Homemaker, Unskilled Respite, and Companion Services. 

Contact Information:

 For more information or to sign up, call 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463) or email If you would like to view or print the Medicaid Waiver intake form, click here