Who can file a complaint?
Anyone can file a complaint or use the Ombudsman, including residents, staff of long-term care facilities, or friends and family members. The Ombudsman works with the staff of facilities to address issues and concerns that may affect residents.
Will the Long-Term Care Ombudsman tell the facility staff that I've filed a complaint?
Not unless you give your permission. Under federal law, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman cannot disclose the identity of the person making a complaint unless that person gives consent.
Will the Long-Term Care Ombudsman tell me what he or she finds after investigating my complaint(s)?
Yes, if you are the complainant and the resident allows the Ombudsman to share the results with you.
How can I contact a Long-Term Care Ombudsman in my area?
Call 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).