The Home and Community Based Service Program (Medicaid Waivers) are one of many options available to states to allow the provision of long-term care services in home and community based settings.  Programs can provide a combination of standard medical services and non-medical services.  To be eligible, individuals must qualify for Medicaid AND require placement in a long-term care facility IF they do not receive in-home services.

Click on one of the 4 Medicaid Waiver programs below to see if you qualify.

What Does This Program Cost?

There is no out-of-pocket cost to you for these services.  Additionally, these services do not affect your eligibility to receive other benefits such as SSI, food assistance, Medicare, etc.

How Much Help Can I Get?

The amount of services you can get will be determined by the level of care that you need to stay at home and how much help you already receive.  The waiver is supposed to support, not replace, the care you are already getting.

Contact Information:

For more information or to sign up, call 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463) or email

If you would like to view or print the Medicaid Waiver intake form, click here. This form can be emailed to or faxed to 256-237-6763.